YAP Washington Heights Violence Interruption Program Gives High Risk Individuals Holistic...

Chicago, IL -- For John, life after prison has been sweet in many ways. While incarcerated, he earned his...

More Texas Families Benefit from YAP’s Culturally Responsive Mental Health Services

Maribel looks at her 15-year-old son, Ivan, and feels hopeful for his future. In a new YouTube ad, she thinks back to...

With the Help of YAP and its Scholarship Fund, Ethan is...

Somerset County, Pa. – For the past three years Youth Advocate Programs (YAP™) Behavioral Health Technician Sherri Snyder has worked with Ethan...

Youth Advocate Programs (YAP™), Inc. Clark County Participants Get a Second-Chance...

Las Vegas, Nev. -  Youth Advocate Programs (YAP™), Inc. of Clark County hosted a “Black and White Affair” for young adults who...

YAP Washington Heights Violence Interruption Team Beatifies Park While Keeping Neighborhoods...

Chicago - Youth Advocate Programs, (YAP™), Inc. Washington Heights Violence Interruption team cleaned up, planted and pruned flowers, replaced mulch, and tilled soil...

With Help from Youth Advocate Programs (YAP™), Inc., Julia Gained Confidence, Connections,...

Fort Worth, Texas – Julia says she has blossomed since becoming a participant with Youth Advocate Programs (YAP™), Inc. in Tarrant County, Texas about five...

Her YAP Advocate Was her ‘Angel,’ Never Letting Her Down

Roanoke, Va.– At age 15, Brooklyn was referred to Youth Advocate Programs (YAP™), Inc. after being released from a residential care facility...

Part II: The America I Thought I knew By Watching Movies,...

By Jacob Ngor Khot Garang I am sharing my second story of personal experience with traveling to America for...

YAP Scholarship Helps Systems-Involved Youth and Families Pursue Higher Education and Job Training

Las Vegas, Nev. – Aaliyah’s matriculation at the College of Southern Nevada will be a little easier financially because of Youth Advocate Programs,...

Advocating for Youth and Families is Latoya Rivers’ Purpose

Charleston, S.C. – Since retiring from the Army, North Charleston native Latoya Rivers has helped youth stay safe and away from violent...

Youth Justice System in Her Past and her Dream Career in...

Philadelphia, Pa. – The death of her maternal grandmother is what piqued former Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. (YAP™) Philadelphia program participant Aniya’s...

Turning his Pain to Promise: YAP Scholarship Awardee Plans to Become...

Scranton, Pa. – Now a freshman at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania with aspirations to become a doctor, former Youth Advocate...

YAP South Sudanese Fellow: The America I Knew in Movies Versus...

By Jacob Ngor Khot Garang Guest Writer As a young man growing up in Africa, I...

From Intern to Advocate: Harley Pressel is Making a Difference for...

York, Pa. – “A pretty cool chick; and an absolutely wonderful human being who gets along with everybody.” That’s how Youth Advocate...

With Help from Youth Advocate Programs, Julian is Off Drugs and...

Providence, R.I. – With the help of Youth Advocate Programs (YAP™), Inc., former program participant Julian was able to get off drugs and...