Growing up In Foster Care, Sylvia only saw her weaknesses. With Support from Youth...
Providence, RI -- At age 22, after her recent emancipation from foster care, Sylvia is determined and finally feels equipped to pursue a future based on her strengths. She credits her godmother, Mary Harrison,...
To be Continued: William Cameron’s Compassion and Commitment to Empowering Youth, Families and Communities...
Charleston, S.C. – When William Cameron joined Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. more than 15 years ago, he was looking for a job with sustainable outcomes that addressed all the needs of young people; educationally, emotionally, and economically.
“I’ve worked in...
Washington Heights Meets New Violence Interruption Team at Community Resource Fair
Chicago – Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. introduced its new Washington Heights Violence Interruption Program during a Community Resource and Vendor Fair on April 23. The event unveiled the new program where neighborhood-based YAP...
Jaylyn, 16, Says Growing Up Wasn’t Easy. Then She Got an Advocate and Family...
Shonda vividly remembers when she met Jaylyn.
“Jaylyn was one of four girls my mom was fostering. I would go to the house to help them with their homework. I connected with all of them,...
In a New Youth Advocate Programs PSA, Gavin, who has Autism, Speaks of Hope....
Lebanon County, PA -- Deanna was working at Lebanon County Department of Human Services (DHS) when she learned that Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. could help her son, Gavin. Diagnosed with autism at age...
What Started as Outreach Support Inspired this 15-Year-old to Launch Glossy Babe, Her Own...
Newark, N.J. – As 15-year-old Samaya shares stories of mixing oils, scents, and pigments, to create her Glossy Babe lip gloss line, her mother Alfreda Williams, feels proud. She’s also quick to share the credit for how far...
With Support from YAP and a New Kitten, Kevin is Turning His Life Around
Submitted by: Courtney Reimann with Audrey Waterman, and Patti Brown
Kevin has come a long way in the past ten years, now living safely at home with Kate, his cat. He thanks his Susquehanna County,...
YAP’s Wraparound Services Help Pennsylvania Girls Gain Confidence Through Acting
Lebanon, Pa. – On any given Thursday afternoon, Dee Cook is busy picking up youths to take them to Girl’s Circle, an empowerment activity led by Advocates and staff at Lebanon County’s Youth Advocate...
LaVerne Browne Retired as a Chicago Public School Teacher. Now She’s Back on Campus as...
Chicago, IL -- A year after retiring as a Chicago Public School (CPS) teacher, Laverne Browne is back on campus, this time at Ombudsman Chicago South Alternative School, where in her new role as...
This Unique National Training Gave Violence Interrupters New Job Skills to Make their Communities...
Baltimore, MD – This month, violence interrupters from cities across the U.S. gathered in Baltimore for unique hands-on training (HOT) classes.
The trainees are employees of Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc., frontline workers and leaders...
After Decades in Prison, These Men are Co-leaders of a Trauma-Centered Re-entry Program
A year after serving more than three decades in prison, Roland Jeter El knows he can’t make up for past mistakes or the time lost because of them; but that’s not keeping him from...
She Struggled with School Truancy; Now She’s Excelling in College
Kingston, N.Y. – Skipping school and being on probation is why Alexis was referred to Ulster County’s Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. when she was 14 years-old. Thanks to her family, YAP, and her...
For Jose, a Trip to the Laundromat is No Ordinary Chore
Lebanon County, PA – For Jose, weekly visits to the laundromat are no ordinary chore. It’s something he does with his Developmental Disabilities Services Advocate Frances Rimby. And for him, it represents independence.
“I wash...
ATV Team Meets, Greets Beatties Ford Road Corridor-Area Neighbors
Charlotte, N.C. – The Alternatives to Violence team held its first ‘Meet and Greet’ community event of the year recently on the Charlotte, N.C. Beatties Ford Road Corridor.
ATV, is a collaboration with the City...
Baltimore Penn North Neighborhood Adults Team Up to Help Youth Take Positive Steps
Baltimore, MD -- Members of Baltimore's Coach G Academy Fatal Attraction Step team took time from their busy week to say thank you to the Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. Baltimore Penn North neighborhood...
Baltimore Youth Advocate Programs Participant Gives Thanks
Baltimore Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. participant Tumani shares his thoughts about his Advocate, Jamal. The Neighborhood Advocate met up with him at a...