Against Incredible Odds, these Chicago Youth Choose to Change  

Theirs are among too many stories lost in news headlines about gun violence in their neighborhoods. They are young people who are thriving because of their individual strengths, fostered by Chicago’s Choose to Change program, also known as...

In Arizona’s Yavapai County, They’re the Alternative to Youth Incarceration

Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc., partners with the Yavapai County Juvenile Probation Department to provide community-based alternatives to youth incarceration and out-of-home placement. A nonprofit in 31 states and the District of Columbia, YAP...

Community-Based Incarceration Alternative Helped Abdul Put His Life on a Positive Path Abdul just turned 18 and for the first time in a long time sees his life moving in a positive direction. He describes the past few years as ones consumed with arrests, school absences,...

Supported by Chicago Program, Melanie Overcomes Obstacles

Chicago - In high school, Melanie was failing nine credits and felt like graduation was impossible. Approximately two years ago she was in a domestic battery situation that resulted in her being removed from her...

With Support from YAP, 18-Year-Old Raiden Takes Accountability for his Actions and Responsibility for his Future 

Alameda County, Calif. -- By the time Raiden was 15, he’d grown so tired of getting picked on and beat up that he figured the only way to ward off the tough guys was...

These Youths Represent the Justice Reform Reflected in the Mural They Helped Install

Central, PA-area Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc participants jumped at the opportunity to help artist Aryanna Tischler install a mural designed by Symone Salib for the Care, Not Control campaign. YAP is a national...

Emily Offers Hope to Young People Facing Mental Health Challenges Emily is one of about 5 million American children of parents who are in jail or prison. When she was eight, being away from her incarcerated mother had taken a serious toll on Emily’s...

Women’s Café Guest A. Toni Young to Share How Owning Your Power Can Ignite...

By owning her power, A. Toni Young is providing healthcare for hard-to-reach populations. As guest of honor for a Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. Women’s Café: A Global Perspective on Women’s Leadership, Young will...

How a Man’s Helper Became His Hero

Farrell, PA -- David Quinby, who goes by Quinn, wants the world to know that an employee at a nonprofit known for giving young people second and third chances has done all that and more for him. "I need you to know that Adam saved my...

Advocates Fight for Bill Moving Money from Youth Prisons to New Jersey Communities

Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. has joined fellow advocates encouraging New Jersey lawmakers to establish a two-year pilot program to transform the state’s youth justice system. YAP’s partners with systems partners to provide safe...

That Day the Nine-Year-Old Got Pepper Sprayed, Rochester Police Responded to Another Call Involving...

On Friday, Jan. 29, just about the time a nine-year-old girl was arrested, handcuffed and pepper sprayed, the Rochester Police Department got another call involving a child. A 14-year-old boy had gotten into a physical...

It Takes a Village to Transform Youth Justice and Child Welfare Systems

It's February... and students at Nolan Catholic High School in Fort Worth, TX, are still receiving holiday gift thank you cards from moms, dads and guardians of Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. program...

With Support from His Youth Advocate, Ayden Redirects His Life Journey

Written by Yavapai County (AZ) Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. Advocate Daniel Nash. YAP partners with youth justice and child welfare systems to serve as an alternative to youth incarceration and other congregate residential...

Care Packages Coming to NJ Youth Released Under Emergency Public Health Law

Some young people coming home from youth prisons under New Jersey’s new COVID-19 public health emergency law will get care packages from Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc., the New Jersey Institute for Social Justice...

Special Delivery Helps Keep Families Safely Home This Thanksgiving

Some Central PA families will be safely home and eating well this Thanksgiving thanks to a special delivery from some Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. employees. Headquartered in Harrisburg, YAP is a nonprofit in 29...