With Photos and Notes, Fort Worth, TX YAP Participants Thank Nolan Catholic High School Students for their Neighborly Love
It’s February… and students at Nolan Catholic High School in Fort Worth, TX, are still receiving holiday gift thank you cards from moms, dads and guardians of Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. program participants. A national nonprofit, YAP serves as a community-based alternative to youth incarceration and out-of-home congregate placements.YAP Southwest Regional Director Kimberly Brandon said for more years than she can count, Nolan students have collected and packed Christmas gifts for her team to deliver to area youth and families they serve. The high school’s support contributes to YAP’s success in helping program participants succeed.
Fort Worth is one of more than 150 communities in 29 states and the District of Columbia where YAP’s neighborhood-based Advocates provide intensive “wraparound” services to program youth and their families. The Advocates help young people see their strengths and guide them in creating individualized toolkits to accomplish their goals. At the same time, the specially trained Advocates work with their fellow staff members to identify accessible basic needs resources and other tools to help parents and guardians firm their family foundation.
“Nolan Catholic High School has provided holiday gifts for the young people and their entire families,” Brandon said. “This is a partnership that has been important to us every Christmas season, but especially in 2020 and now, when our program participants and their families have been struggling through the pandemic.”
To show thanks to the Nolan students, Brandon and her team are continuing their annual tradition of gathering personal notes of gratitude to share with the students.
“We have always delivered thank you cards and pictures of the youth receiving the gifts and presented them to the Nolan students with a handmade gift that they can display as a small token of our appreciation.”
Nolan students created a video last fall to help them collect donations for their YAP gifts. To learn more about YAP and how you can support local or national programs, please visit www.yapinc.org.