A Juneteenth Message to those Fighting to Free Youth from Prisons...

The following is a message to Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. employees from the  organization's CEO, Jeff Fleischer. YAP is a national nonprofit in...

They Know Reinventing Systems is Possible. They’re Already Doing it.

(June 10, 2020) Every day, they’re in their neighbors’ homes, delivering rehabilitative services that would otherwise happen in youth prisons and congregate treatment facilities....

Advocates Thank Donors for Helping them Empower Youth and Families with...

Helping families with their basic needs is all in a day’s work for the Orange and Sullivan County (NY) Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc....

Neighborly Support During Pandemic Brings New Promise to Baltimore’s Safe Streets...

Neighborly outreach during the COVID-19 pandemic is strengthening bonds between some Baltimore City Safe Streets workers and the families they serve. Safe Streets is an...

She’s in a Wheelchair; He has Autism – Pandemic Opens New...

Melissa Johnson felt she’d finally made it when she earned her bachelor’s in psychology from Frostburg State University in Maryland. But when months turned...

Mini Parade Lifts Spirits of Homebound families

During a recent videoconference meeting, the Wayne County, NY Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. team resolved to do something big to motivate homebound families...

Meet Jesse A. Cruz, Author, Advocate and Brother’s Keeper

If you’ve ever met a Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. Advocate, you’ll understand the key to the organization’s effectiveness as a provider of community-based...

Youth Advocates Strengthen Family Bonds with Social Distancing Photo Challenge

Welcome to a virtual photo exhibit featuring Chemung County, NY Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc.’s program participants, families and staff. Partnering with social services,...

Shifting Gears – From Face-to-Face to Virtual Community-based Youth Justice/Child Welfare...

By Jenilee Pollan, Assistant Program Director, Ulster County Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. A huge focus of our work at Ulster County Youth Advocate Programs...

They Could have been in Youth Detention or Placement; Instead they’re...

Kingston, NY (April 22, 2020) – It’s Friday, going on 5 pm, and Cam, 15, Gabe, 12, Raymond, 14, and Stephen, 17, are in...

Amid Global Pandemic, Advocates Stay Focused on Keeping Youth Safely Home and...

Employing technology and practicing social distancing, Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. remains focused on its mission to provide community-based support to young people who...

COVID-19 Relief Fund Safeguards Community-Based Alternatives to Youth Prison/Placement

  Confronted with challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. has launched a special COVID-19 relief fund. A national nonprofit,...

Teleservices Keep Advocates on Track with Keeping Youth out of Prison...

When Anthony Stanziale started hearing news reports about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, his first thought was, “How is this going to affect young people...

Tuesday Nelson is Growing up and Choosing to Change

Two months before her 21st birthday, Tuesday Nelson is turning an important corner in her life. Last month, she started her first job at...

Dee’s Positive Progress Report: “Adulting” after a Childhood in Foster Care

On a cold February Baltimore morning , Dee is excited to bring Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. Program Coordinator Chasity Dorsey up to speed...